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WSO100 Example – Intermediate System


This intermediate wind and weather system includes Maretron’s WSO100, which provides five basic weather parameters

  • apparent wind speed
  • apparent wind angle
  • barometric pressure
  • humidity
  • outside air temperature

The display also computes the wind chill factor (given wind speed and air temperature), heat index (given outside air temperature and humidity), and dew point (given outside air temperature and humidity). By adding the Depth/Speed/Temperature transducer (DST110) to this system, the true wind speed and direction can be calculated within the display given the boat Speed Through Water (STW). Note that the true wind will be referenced to the boats water speed and not the boats ground speed. If it is desired to have true wind speed reference to the boat Speed Over Ground (SOG), then you should consider the WSO100 comprehensive system example.


The following table shows the products included within this example system plus a list of the information or data available for display.

Product Description Available Data List
DSM410 Display Displays data in this list, monitors the data and sounds an internal buzzer if there is a problem
WSO100 Wind Weather Station Measures apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, humidity, outside temperature, wind chill factor, heat index, and dew point.
DST110 Depth/Speed/Water Temp Measures water depth, speed through water, sea temperature, trip log and cumulative log



    • network design tool



The following screenshots are examples of how monitored data can be displayed on the DSM410.

Apparent Wind Close Hauled

Apparent Wind Rose

Apparent Wind Speed Graph

Atmospheric Pressure Graph Black

Atmospheric Pressure Graph White

Barometric Pressure Digital

Dew Point

Outside Temperature and Heat Index

Outside Temperature and Humidity

Outside Temperature and Wind Chill

Speed Through Water

Thumb Outside Temperature Graph Humidity and Heat Index

Thumb Sea Temperature Water Depth with Graph

True Wind Water Referenced

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